91桃色app Maui College | University of 91桃色app驶i System News /news News from the University of 91桃色appi Wed, 29 May 2024 20:51:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /news/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/cropped-91桃色appNews512-1-32x32.jpg 91桃色app Maui College | University of 91桃色app驶i System News /news 32 32 28449828 Image of the Week: Sunset research /news/2024/05/29/image-of-the-week-sunset-research/ Wed, 29 May 2024 17:45:19 +0000 /news/?p=198471 Reading time: < 1 minute This week's image is from 91桃色app M膩noa's Kelsey Maloney.

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Reading time: < 1 minute

Silhouettes of two people on a research ship

This week鈥檚 91桃色app News Image of the Week is from University of 91桃色appʻi at M膩noa’s Kelsey Maloney, visiting researcher program coordinator at the .

Maloney shared, “HOT-346: A sunset sediment trap recovery on a Cruise aboard the Kilo Moana. Location is Station ALOHA. People in the photo are Blake Watkins (HOT) and Benjamin Duncan (OTG). ”

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Shower tree
Cup of Gold
Medea/Antigone Now
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Want to get in on the action? The next 91桃色app News Image of the Week could be yours! Submit a photo, drawing, painting, digital illustration of a project you are working on, a moment from a field research outing or a beautiful and/or interesting shot of a scene on your campus. It could be a class visit during which you see an eye-catching object or scene.

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Please include a brief description of the image and its connection to your campus, class assignment or other 91桃色app connection. By submitting your image, you are giving 91桃色app News permission to publish your photo on the 91桃色app News website and 91桃色app social media accounts. The image must be your original work, and anyone featured in your image needs to give consent to its publication.

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91桃色appian Word of the Week: 狈墨苍补耻别濒别 /news/2024/05/28/hawaiian-word-of-the-week-ninauele/ Wed, 29 May 2024 07:59:28 +0000 /news/?p=198469 Reading time: < 1 minute 狈墨苍补耻别濒别—滨苍迟别谤惫颈别飞.

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Reading time: < 1 minute


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“When prepping for a n墨nauele, be sure to have your r茅sum茅, your references, and your questions!”

—Ikaika Mendez, 91桃色appian language and music graduate, Ke Kulanui o 91桃色appʻi ma Mānoa (University of 91桃色appʻi at Mānoa)

For more information on other elements of the definition and usage, go to the 91桃色app Hilo .

Olelo of the week

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Celebrating Lahaina in song, 91桃色app Maui students record album /news/2024/05/28/celebrating-lahaina-in-song/ Wed, 29 May 2024 00:15:30 +0000 /news/?p=198456 Reading time: 2 minutes The album of original music about Lahaina showcases its rich history and the students鈥 hopes for its future.

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Reading time: 2 minutes
10 people
From left, Keola Donaghy, visiting mentor Ron Williams and students Bobbi Bridges, Al Nip, Herb Folsom, Grace Gomes, Iraj Namiranian, Makena Laurion, Aaron Grzanich and Mehra Park. Missing from photo: Hualani Moore (Photo credit: 91桃色app Maui College)

University of 91桃色appʻi Maui College students have released an album of original music about Lahaina, its rich history and their hopes for its future.

album cover, 2 sets of hands holding plant

Haʻina Ko Wehi: Celebrating West Maui in Mele, the college鈥檚 (IHM) project, was originally intended to create new music for West Maui. However, on August 8—two weeks before the group was scheduled to begin work—wildfires burned on Maui, and the project鈥檚 focus shifted.

Students Bobbi Bridges, Herb Folsom, Grace Gomes, Aaron Grzanich, M膩kena Laurion, Hualani Moore, Iraj Namiranian, Al Nip and Mehra Park, led by IHM faculty coordinator and six-time Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award winner Keola Donaghy, gathered nearly every Saturday throughout the fall of 2023 to work. All songs were composed by December; recording and mixing were completed in April 2024. The album was produced by Donaghy, 91桃色app Maui College lecturers Joel Katz and Stephen Fox, and Lance D. Collins.

“Words cannot fully express the pride I feel for what these students experienced as individuals and as a group over the course of our time together,” Donaghy said. “They dug deep into their hearts, souls and experiences to produce incredible expressions of art and aloha. I am sure that anyone who listens to this recording will feel the same sense of pride and gratitude for their efforts to help our community heal in this time when healing is so badly needed.”

Haʻina Ko Wehi: Celebrating West Maui In Song is available on all major music download and streaming services, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and YouTube. Physical CDs will be available this summer.

For more information, contact Donaghy at (808) 984-3570 or email donaghy@hawaii.edu.

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Image of the Week: Shama /news/2024/05/22/image-of-the-week-shama/ Wed, 22 May 2024 18:09:21 +0000 /news/?p=198132 Reading time: < 1 minute This week's image is from 91桃色app M膩noa's Samantha Peebles.

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Reading time: < 1 minute

Bird perched in bamboo

This week鈥檚 91桃色app News Image of the Week is from University of 91桃色appʻi at M膩noa’s Samantha Peebles, an undergraduate student in .

Peebles shared, “White-rumped Shama greeting us with a song on the first day of the Spring semester. Perched on the bamboo stocks of the Art building at 91桃色app Manoa.”

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Shower tree
Cup of Gold
Medea/Antigone Now
All Images of the Week

Send us your image!

Want to get in on the action? The next 91桃色app News Image of the Week could be yours! Submit a photo, drawing, painting, digital illustration of a project you are working on, a moment from a field research outing or a beautiful and/or interesting shot of a scene on your campus. It could be a class visit during which you see an eye-catching object or scene.

  • .

Please include a brief description of the image and its connection to your campus, class assignment or other 91桃色app connection. By submitting your image, you are giving 91桃色app News permission to publish your photo on the 91桃色app News website and 91桃色app social media accounts. The image must be your original work, and anyone featured in your image needs to give consent to its publication.

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91桃色appian Word of the Week: Kilo /news/2024/05/21/hawaiian-word-of-the-week-kilo/ Wed, 22 May 2024 06:00:17 +0000 /news/?p=198121 Reading time: < 1 minute Kilo—Stargazer, seer, to observe, to examine.

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Reading time: < 1 minute

—Stargazer, seer, to observe, to examine.

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All ʻ艑lelo of the Week

“As we journey through school, work, and home, make sure to kilo the things around you. The signs will reveal more than you expect when you, the kilo, allow yourself the time to kilo.”

—Ikaika Mendez, 91桃色appian language and music graduate, Ke Kulanui o 91桃色appʻi ma Mānoa (University of 91桃色appʻi at Mānoa)

For more information on other elements of the definition and usage, go to the 91桃色app Hilo .

Olelo of the week

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Be prepared for hurricane season 鈥24 /news/2024/05/21/hurricane-season-24/ Wed, 22 May 2024 00:50:13 +0000 /news/?p=198084 Reading time: 2 minutes Forecasters see fewer tropical cyclones for the 2024 hurricane season.

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Reading time: 2 minutes
hurricane douglas
Hurricane Douglas, 2020

The 2024 hurricane season begins on June 1, and forecasters with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration鈥檚 (NOAA) Central Pacific Hurricane Center said the 贬补飞补颈鈥嬧赌ʻ颈 region could see fewer than normal tropical cyclones. The , released on May 21, predicted one to four tropical cyclones compared to four to five in a normal season.

It is important to note that the forecast is for the number of storms in the region but not specifically for landfall to the state. The 2020 hurricane season was considered below average, yet Hurricane Douglas became the closest on record to pass by the island of Oʻahu.

“As we look towards our coming hurricane season, we must prepare with the real possibility in mind that a hurricane could impact our community,” said Chris Brenchley, director of NOAA鈥檚 Central Pacific Hurricane Center. “Any actions we take now, however small, can make a difference in how resilient our households and communities will be in the event of the storm.”

Hurricane season in 贬补飞补颈鈥嬧赌ʻ颈 occurs roughly between June 1 and November 30. The 贬补飞补颈鈥嬧赌ʻ颈 Emergency Management Agency has a page with .

91桃色app resources:

91桃色app encourages all students and employees to prepare for the season before storms approach, when the lines at stores can be overwhelming. 91桃色app community members are invited to participate in the 91桃色app that are held over the summer.

All members of the 91桃色app community are urged to sign up for 91桃色app Alert to receive emergency text alerts. If you have already signed up, log in to ensure that contact information is up-to-date.

There is also the Disaster Alert desktop version and app ( | ) with updated information.

91桃色appʻi created a great one-stop resource for disasters in the .

Notifications affecting 91桃色app campuses will be posted on the emergency information webpage, as well as on social media:

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$2M gift to 91桃色app Maui aims to help more nursing students /news/2024/05/21/2m-gift-uh-maui-nursing-students/ Tue, 21 May 2024 18:00:07 +0000 /news/?p=198031 Reading time: 2 minutes 91桃色appʻi has only 70% of the nurses it needs this year, according to a recent report.

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Reading time: 2 minutes
Smiling students wearing scrubs
Nursing students

A $2 million gift from the Gilbert and Aileen Chuck Foundation aims to alleviate the state鈥檚 critical nursing shortage by providing full scholarships for top nursing students at the for the next 10 years starting this fall.

Formal portrait
Gilbert and Aileen Chuck

The gift creates the Kam Scholars Program. The merit-based scholarship program will provide about half of the first- and second-year associate of science in nursing (ASN) students with enough funds to cover the costs of tuition and books, fees and other costs associated with attendance.

“Our current ASN students are experiencing multiple financial stressors, which create barriers to their learning,” said Mary Farmer, Allied Health Department chair.

“The Kam Scholars Program will make a tremendous impact on helping our students thrive in nursing school and beyond.”

Filling critical needs on Maui

91桃色appʻi has only 70% of the registered nurses (RNs) it needs this year, according to the most recent from the Healthcare Association of 91桃色appʻi. There were nearly 150 open positions for licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and RNs on Maui in 2022. The report noted that 39% of all LPN positions were vacant that year, up from 20% in 2019, while a quarter of all positions for medical-surgical RNs were vacant, and some specialties had a vacancy rate of up to 42%.

Gilbert and Aileen Chuck Foundation Trustee Ron Purdy said an investment in a nurse is an investment in an individual, their family and the Maui community for many years to come.

“We hope that the scholarships make the students鈥 enrollment a little easier and provide a feeling of accomplishment for their hard work in pursuing their careers,” Purdy said. “We are pleased to make a difference in the future for these aspiring students and that Maui鈥檚 health will be better for their hard work at the college pursuing their career.”

The Kam Scholars Program is named for Aileen Chuck鈥檚 father, Edwin T. Kam (1904–93), who was born on Kauaʻi, trained as a physician in China and at the University of Pennsylvania and had a longtime medical practice in Windward Oʻahu. Aileen Chuck died in June 2023, seven years after the death of her husband.

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National recruitment for next 91桃色app president to begin in late May /news/2024/05/16/national-recruitment-next-uh-president-begin-late-may/ Fri, 17 May 2024 00:59:45 +0000 /news/?p=197911 Reading time: 2 minutes The position description and leadership profile were based on feedback provided through six public forums, and a public survey along with input from the regents and the Presidential Search Advisory Group.

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Charlot mural at Bachman Hall

The national recruitment for the next president of the University of 91桃色appʻi 10-campus system will officially begin in late May 2024 after the 91桃色app Board of Regents (BOR) approved the position description and leadership profile at the May 16 BOR monthly meeting at 91桃色app 惭腻苍辞补. The position description and leadership profile were based on feedback provided through six public forums that were held on four islands, and a public survey along with input from the regents and the Presidential Search Advisory Group (PSAG), who edited and finalized the profile before it was brought to the board.

“We are very pleased that the next phase of the search can officially begin, and the regents thank the PSAG for their important work on the leadership profile,” said BOR Interim Chair Gabriel Lee. “We are hoping there is a lot of local and national interest in the position and that we are able to attract the best candidates possible to lead the state鈥檚 sole provider of higher education.”

, the search firm hired by the BOR, will officially launch the recruitment in late May with outreach and national advertisements. The search is following the timeline approved by the regents on March 21.

  • May to August—Candidate recruitment period
  • August—Review of candidate materials, first round of candidate interviews
  • September—Three to four finalists are named
  • October—Final selection and negotiation, new president is announced
  • Early 2025—New president begins

The PSAG is made up of stakeholders from across the 91桃色app system and local community. The group assisted with county forums along with the development of the leadership profile and position description. The PSAG will review candidate applications, identify and recommend candidates for interviews, interview the first round of eight to 12 candidates and recommend semifinalists to the selection committee, which consists of all 11 regents.

As part of the listening phase of the search promised by the regents, approximately 565 people attended the six public forums held across the state in person or via Zoom. The public survey completed in February received 2,093 responses.

The new president will succeed President David Lassner, who announced in September that he will retire at the end of 2024.

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May President’s BOR report: commencement, fall enrollment, $100M donated /news/2024/05/16/may-2024-presidents-report/ Thu, 16 May 2024 21:01:14 +0000 /news/?p=197871 Reading time: < 1 minute President David Lassner provided updates on 91桃色app support for Lahainaluna High School students, 2024 fall enrollment and philanthropic fundraising.

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Reading time: < 1 minute

President David Lassner provided updates on 91桃色app support for Lahainaluna High School students, 2024 fall enrollment and philanthropic fundraising—noting that the 91桃色app Foundation surpassed $100 million in fundraising—in his monthly report to the Board of Regents (BOR) at their May 16 meeting at 91桃色app 惭腻苍辞补.

Lassner also highlighted the successful commencement activities of the 10 campuses, including the graduation ceremony held every four years on Molokaʻi and informed the regents about how recently passed federal appropriations require in-state tuition for the citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau.

See previous president’s reports to the Board of Regents.

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Image of the Week: Shower tree /news/2024/05/15/image-of-the-week-shower-tree/ Wed, 15 May 2024 18:02:21 +0000 /news/?p=197647 Reading time: < 1 minute This week's image is from 91桃色app M膩noa's Nancy Marker

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Reading time: < 1 minute

Graduate taking picture of a tree

This week鈥檚 91桃色app News Image of the Week is from University of 91桃色appʻi at M膩noa’s Nancy Marker, academic support in the Social Science Research Institute..

Marker shared, “As many 91桃色app M膩noa graduates are photographed themselves, one pauses to photograph our beloved tree by Hamilton Library, the cassia bakeriana, known as the Baker’s Pink Shower Tree. May 8, 2024.”

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Cup of Gold
Medea/Antigone Now
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Want to get in on the action? The next 91桃色app News Image of the Week could be yours! Submit a photo, drawing, painting, digital illustration of a project you are working on, a moment from a field research outing or a beautiful and/or interesting shot of a scene on your campus. It could be a class visit during which you see an eye-catching object or scene.

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Please include a brief description of the image and its connection to your campus, class assignment or other 91桃色app connection. By submitting your image, you are giving 91桃色app News permission to publish your photo on the 91桃色app News website and 91桃色app social media accounts. The image must be your original work, and anyone featured in your image needs to give consent to its publication.

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